Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Beginnings

Well, hello!
I've been posting "episodes" of my adjustment to the country-farmy-life on the facebooks.
Through the feedback realm of facebook, I've discovered these episodes are entertaining to more than just me. I cannot take credit for this, as my chickens, dogs, boyfriend, and adventures are simply hilarious on their own. I'm merely reporting the day's events. But I would like to blog about this "conversion to the country mouse lifestyle" if you'll all indulge me and participate (participate=read my ramblings, and perhaps comment every now and again.)

To catch you up to date, or if you're not a friend of mine on the facebooks:

How I inadvertently started to become a 21st Century Country Mouse...

Step one: accidentally fell in love with a farmer (MacFear)
Step two: moved out to the country
Step three: farm-solo built a garden bed out of old fence boards
Step four: way over-crowded said garden, and realized I also had multiple jobs that couldn't possibly allow for me to tend to this garden as planned - we obtained fruits and veggies anyway, because we're awesome
Step five: unwillingly took on two chickens from another farmface without any preparations
<---Step six: wtf, chickens?!
Step seven: coop, eggs, and adopted chicken number 3 from a friend
Step eight: winter preparations (to be described in a coming episode of blogtown in greater detail)

Somewhere in there I've also learned to shovel hay around to help MacFear.
(I bet all farmfaces will get mad at me for saying "shovel hay." Farmfaces are very particular in how you describe any hay process. You'll learn all about this later.)

A bonus to hay shoveling? I recently acquired these massively awesome weapons, (some call them "hay hooks,") given to me as a gift from MacFear's father. (I bet PapaMac is going to get his own future segment here due to crazy farmface antics!) Anyway, hay hooks: they are like two Captain Hook hooks that you grab on to and swing violently into bales of hay. They're also great for threatening passers-by...
Meet PapaMac!
PapaMac: "Maybe he was a kangaroo mouse!"
Me: Do you mean rat?
PapaMac: "He wasn't very big. just hoppin' around."
Me: Where did you see him?
PapaMac: "Around...I've seen like ten of them. You see
'em hippity hoppin' along. Well, they could be rats. Or mice. I don't
know the difference."
or just looking awesome. And guess who sharpened them before he gave them to me?
PapaMac insisted they be extra sharp!!!

I also forgot to mention fuzzy ewok cows, though they are at the background image of this page. Don't worry, I'm going to learn how to milk one in a day or two, and you'll get to hear (and hopefully watch) all about it!


  1. Suppressing the comments of the people! More like 21st Century Stalin!
