Saturday, September 7, 2013

Why farmers don't keep active blogs...

Holy hell, farmwork is busy. When you add ANY other pasttimes to your life on top of farming (which I have a habit of doing/also work other jobs) it equals NO time for blog funtimes!!
But I WILL be back this winter, and can tell you all of my first year as a farm helperface.
Upcoming things:
Cats are attacking my chickens on the regular.
I now can operate 2 different pieces of heavy machinery AND connect pipes to water things. I'm pretty great at it. (or am I?)
Oh my goodness, the things that can go wrong!!
Those cats attacking my chickens? Yeah, one got murdered. The other two now SLEEP BY MY OUR FRONT DOOR IN A CARDBOARD BOX.
 Oh the updates to come....when the farm time relaxes! (aka November.)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

I have been so absent lately, and for that I do apologize!
But the good news is....

I let my chickens go dormant for winter, but the days are long enough for them to produce again, and it is making me super happy.
I will be back here later for full country-mousing and pictures.